Other Research Activities:
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Measurement Tools.
The Toronto Pain Management Inventory-Acute Coronary Syndrome Version [TPMI-ACS]
During Dr. O’Keefe-McCarthy’s PhD, she was able to work with the original developer Dr. Judy Watt-Watson to revise the Toronto Pain Management Inventory to reflect current ACS assessment and management in order to measure nurses’ pain knowledge and attitudes.
The revised Toronto Pain Management Inventory-ACS Version is a disease specific tool that contains 24 items dealing with patients’ experiences of ACS pain and anxiety, nurses’ chest pain assessment, and also pharmacologic ACS pain management strategies, including antianginal medications and opioids. Items are scored using an 11-point rating scale (range, 0-100) in 10-unitincrements. To decrease acquiescence bias and avoid use of negative items, half of the scale items are phrased so that higher scores indicate greater knowledge. To generate the final score, the remaining items (ie, 1, 2, 4 & 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20) were reverse scored (ie, subtracted from 100) and all items were summed. The overall summary score range is 0 to 2400; score ranges were further categorized in to low, medium, and high levels of knowledge: low, 0 to 800; medium, 801 to 1600; and high, 1601 to 2400 points. A score of 1601 or higher indicates a superior knowledge level. Preliminary content validity index was established at 0.90, and test-retest reliability, with an interclass correlation of 0.78.
Toronto Pain Management Inventory- ACS Version Permission Form: Download here
Current Research Related to Psychometric Development and Evaluation:
- International colleagues in Brazil are collaborating with Dr. O’Keefe-McCarthy to translate the TPMI-ACS version into Portuguese, with a subsequent validation study in a sample of Brazilian nurses. [Study completed; manuscript in progress]
- Future collaborative research and translation is planned for the TPMI-ACS into French, Spanish, Greek and Chinese languages.
Associated Publications:
- de Souza Felício, AC., de Lucena Ferretti-Reubustini, RE., Murata-Murakami, B., de Andrade Coelho, FU., Takao Lopes, C., O’Keefe-McCarthy, S., Ribeiro dos Santos, E. (2020). VERSÃO BRASILEIRA DO TORONTO PAIN MANAGEMENT INVENTORY -ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME [BRAZILIAN VERSION OF THE TORONTO PAIN MANAGEMENT INVENTORY – ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME]. Reme Revista Mineira de Enfermagem, 24:e-1320. DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20200057
- O’Keefe-McCarthy, M. McGillion, S. Nelson, S. Clarke, J. McFetridge-Durdle, & J. Watt-Watson. (2014). Content Validity of the Toronto Pain Management Inventory-Acute Coronary Syndrome. Version. The Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 24(2), 11-18.